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Inglês, Espanhol, Catalão, Francês e Português (Br/Pt) > Português (Pt/Br), Espanhol e Catalão

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Política, Ecologia, Cultura Popular, Artes, Música e Esportes.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sample Translation

Target Text:

*Flexibilidade no Estilo Ferramenta Múltipla*

As máquinas BX podem ser equipadas com ferramenta de Torreta Larga Simples (até o tamanho D -Æ 88.90 mm) e com Multitools de 4, 6 e 10 estações ou um adaptador para ferramentário estilo Trumpf®.

As máquinas BX Autoindexáveis permitem uma rotação de 360° bi-direcional de ferramentas únicas, de Torreta Larga (até o tamanho D - Æ 88.90 mm) e de todas as Multitools com 4, 6 e 10 estações.

*Translated from English into Portuguese by Gabriel Nogueira

Source Text:

*Multiple Tool Style Flexibility*

BX machines can be equipped with single thick turret tools (up to D size - Ø 88.90 mm) and with Multitools 4-6-10 stations or an adapter for Trumpf® style tooling.

BX Autoindex machines allow 360° bi-directional rotation of single thick turret tools (up to D size - Ø 88.90 mm) and of all the Multitools with 4, 6 and 10 stations.

1 comment:

  1. People assume that because I'm an English teacher / linguist, that I want to hear their (uninformed) opinions on language. If people start on this topic and I've had a little to drink, I say in an annoying singsong voice "relatividadeeeeeee!" and Alexandre usually shakes his head and the other person gets confused.

    What I mean by "relativity" is that no language is harder than any other language. If you speak Spanish as a first language, then you'll think Portuguese is easier than English. If you speak Dutch as a first language, you'll think English is easier. (Some linguists try to argue, however, that Javanese is the most difficult language in the world. It has 36 different verb tenses based on social status, and that's hard for anyone to pick up.)

    But Brazilians have the notion that Portuguese is harder because of the two versions of Portuguese that I wrote about in my blog. English doesn't have that to such an extent, so they think English is easier.
    English to Portuguese translation services

    Maybe you can try giving people those arguments, but I've noticed that most people (in any country) aren't interested in having their opinions debased. So you could just say "relativity!" too and confuse them into quiet. :)
